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5 Tips For Creating The Perfect Homepage

Updated 22 July 2021 (Published 16 October 2018) by Jessica in Website design & UX

The homepage is the most visited page on your website and is usually the first point of entry from search engine results or social media links which is why you need to make an impact straight away.

5 Tips For Creating The Perfect Homepage

Welcome to our very first minisode - quick and to-the-point podcast episodes that tell you how to perfect your website or digital marketing strategy.

Create the perfect homepage - we'll tell you how.

The homepage is the most visited page on your website and is usually the first point of entry from search engine results or social media links which is why you need to make an impact straight away.

Your website audience will leave if you don't answer their question, which can not only be bad for your business but for SEO.

Encourage your audience to navigate throughout your site and eventually become a customer.

1. Never ask for the sale straight out of the gate

This is a common mistake and it’s easy to make.

Get the attention of your audience first and build rapport with them. After all, your audience ultimately buys from YOU.

Talk more about how you’re going to solve the issue they have with the products you offer and focus on building rapport.

Then ask for the sale by offering a promotion or something you think your audience will find valuable.

2. Communicate your Unique Selling Proposition

In 2018 where attention spans are on the decline, communicate your Unique Selling Proposition in the header or above the fold.

It sets you apart from your competitors.

Incorporate your USP into your header and then create the rest of your content around it.

You can do this with case studies and client testimonials to name a few.

3. Use relevant keywords

It can be really easy to fall into the trap of using terms you’re comfortable with and even abbreviating them.

This isn’t too great for your audience who are on your site or searching for your services through Google.

Create a list of relevant keywords so you can use them in your content.

Build a list of relevant keywords by understanding what your audience wants - you can simply ask them! Or have a look at your competitors and see what they are using.

Other tools like:

  • Google Search Console
  • Keyword Planner Tool
  • Google Suggest

… can help you build your keyword list.

4. Don’t just talk about yourself

Your audience has a problem that they want to be solved and they think you can solve it with your service offerings.

They’re not quite keen on reading about how amazing you are - that’ll come later once you’ve won them over with your services and obvious expertise.

In your content, acknowledge audience problems by talking about the benefits they will achieve through your products and services.

You can back this up with testimonials from clients who have had their problems solved by you.

For example, if you run a pest control business, your audience’s main concern is about the safety of your products for their family. Talk about how they can take care of pests and their family’s health with your non-toxic solutions.

5. Prompt your audience into action

Ideally, your audience should use the homepage to find what they need and then continue their journey throughout their site, rather than leave straight away.

Your homepage should list your main products, with links to either read more or access relevant content.

Make sure you have your contact information easily accessible, like the top right-hand corner of the navigation.

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